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Indoor Air Quality

The quality of our indoor working environment is influenced by three major factors:

  • Air Pollutants – gases, dust, particles, biological sources
  • Physical Factors – temperature, humidity, noise, ventilation, lighting
  • Building Construction – air conditioning, occupancy rates, materials

Indoor Air Quality must be of a sufficient approved standard to ensure the adequate protection of human health and well-being.

Indoor air is defined as any non-industrial indoor space where a person spends a period of an hour or more in any day and can include the office, classroom, motor vehicle, shopping centre, hospital and home. 


Our range of services include a systematic assessment of hazards, comfort levels and maintenance factors, such as:

  • Inspection of air handling units, filters and fresh air inlets
  • Inspection and testing of cooling tower waters
  • Inspection of heating/cooling units for biological deposits
  • Measurements of indoor temperature, humidity and air flows
  • Measurements of light and noise levels
  • Monitoring of airborne micro-organisms, particulates and other indoor air contaminants


EHS uses a comprehensive package of inspection, assessment and measurement, so that your organisation will benefit by:

  • Ensuring your indoor workplace environment will not present a hazard to staff
  • Meeting your duty of care as building owners or managers
  • Conforming with relevant Australian Standards and regulations
  • Ensuring the heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems (HVAC) operate optimally
  • Reducing HVAC system operating costs
  • Improving the comfort of occupants

Environmental Health Solutions (EHS) provides a comprehensive, high quality and cost effective service to both the private and public sectors throughout Australia in all areas of occupational hygiene, including indoor air qulaity assessments.